Rice Architecture
Peyton Chiang
Bay Fujimoto
Joseph Hsu
Spencer Hoteling
Our team was influenced by Toyo Ito’s formal explorations as seen in the fluid structural system at the National Taiwan University Library in Taipei. In this instance, the pillars which morph into the roof begin to question the spatial capabilities of an ambiguous architectural element as the distinction between surface and volume becomes blurred. We sought to further examine this matter by employing a similar form in a space with no ground -therefore allowing for freely oriented parts that produce a systemic series of interactions to form a continuous, yet distinguishable whole. To emulate these forms, our project utilizes magnets as well as a gridded bounding system to maximize the flexibility of its composition. Magnets generate reciprocal relationships between fabrics, and the challenge we contended with was how to organize these relationships to create the most promising amorphous spaces.